Accident sickness and unemployment insurance is designed to pay you a monthly benefit for a set period in the event you are unable to work due to any of the above. The monthly benefit is selected by you for the purpose of covering any loan, mortgage or utility payments that you may otherwise struggle to meet should you lose your source of income.
Accident sickness and unemployment insurance has received negative publicity over the past few years due to the way it was sold or automatically written into loan agreements by financial institutions without consent but the product remains a valuable and often essential cover to protect you should find yourself in a position that you’re unable to work.
Accident sickness and unemployment insurance is designed to pay you a monthly benefit for a set period in the event you are unable to work due to any of the above. The monthly benefit is selected by you for the purpose of covering any loan, mortgage or utility payments that you may otherwise struggle to meet should you lose your source of income.
Accident sickness and unemployment insurance has received negative publicity over the past few years due to the way it was sold or automatically written into loan agreements by financial institutions without consent but the product remains a valuable and often essential cover to protect you should find yourself in a position that you’re unable to work.
Personal Accident
Essential cover providing financial assistance in the event of injury, disability or death for you and your family
Travel Insurance
Single, annual and backpacker policies with medical and repatriation cover for activities and trips all over the globe
Personal Accident
Essential cover providing financial assistance in the event of injury, disability or death for you and your family
Travel Insurance
Single, annual and backpacker policies with medical and repatriation cover for activities and trips all over the globe